

The funds raised by Barnard PTA benefits all students. The Barnard PTA is a non-profit organization (Tax ID# 20-5947705) that funds critical education programs for our school, such as:

  • Native Mandarin-speaking teaching interns
  • Differentiated/online learning programs including iReady, Achieve 3000, RazKids, iChinese, Time magazine for Kids, and others
  • Supplemental science, art, and literacy programs
  • Monthly academic enrichment and social events
  • Campus improvement and outdoor shade, play, and resource equipment
  • Field trips for every class (yeah, the PTA pays for all of that!)
  • Student planners
  • English and Mandarin library books
  • Classroom supplies for every teacher
  • and so much more!

Barnard’s three major fundraisers of the year are:

  • The Barnard Annual Giving (BAG) program where we ask our families to contribute (now – continuous)
  • Jog-a-thon (Late Fall/Early Winter) where students are encouraged to ask friends and family to support them participating in the Jog-a-Thon
  • Annual Auction/Gala (Spring) – formal parents night out with silent auction

Additionally, we partner with various organizations, including Amazon, Box Tops, Staples, local restaurants and grocery stores, for other fundraising opportunities.